Design 85


Landscapes can’t be expected to always look exactly as they did when first installed. After enough time passes, plants grow old, design preferences change and the environment can take its toll. Thankfully, Design 85 can help you with any outdoor need whether it be removing overgrown shrubs and bushes or adding an outdoor kitchen.

Complete Renovation of Existing Landscape Designs

Trees grow, plants mature and the entire landscape could even be devastated by surprise storms. With enough time, any landscape is bound to fall victim to the perils of nature. But that doesn’t mean it’s meant to stay that way. At some point, you look at your property and ask whether a landscape renovation is needed. And that’s when we can help, by designing a renovation of your property to make it look like new again.


If you’re looking for a way to upgrade your current landscape and improve your home’s curb appeal, the landscape professionals at Design 85 can help. Our landscape renovation experts can help you design the outdoor space of your dreams, utilizing the latest and safest landscaping techniques available. Whether you’re interested in improving the aesthetic of your front yard or looking to install a stone fireplace in your backyard, we can handle all of your landscaping needs.

Benefits of Investing in Landscape Renovation

  • Increase your property value
  • Improves the overall aesthetic
  • Impresses friends, family, and clients
  • Promotes a better outdoor experience
  • Attracts future potential real estate buyers

Contact Design 85 today to get started